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Towards Fine-Grained UX Evaluation of Visual CUI Components Using Chatbot Simulations.

Patrick Stadler; Stefan Schaffer
Is CUI Design Ready Yet? A Workshop on Community Practices and Gaps in CUI Design & Resource Development, 2023.


HCI researchers are intensifying their work on design guidelines for voice user interfaces (VUIs) and conversational user interfaces (CUIs) and at the same time are trying to incorporate existing knowledge from traditional graphical user interfaces (GUIs). At the current state, however, these guidelines are often still abstract or high-level. We suggest that the CUI community should take a more granular look at these applications and present a small study that evaluated UI components in chatbots using simulations. We found some first leads that users are mostly capable of distinguishing between fine-grained variants of different chatbot UI components. Hence, we suggest researchers, and designers should aim for a more fine-grained perspective when building CUIs. This could also help to establish detailed guidelines for CUI applications.
