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Zeige Ergebnisse 91 bis 100 von 574
  1. Alexander Schäfer; Gerd Reis; Didier Stricker

    Towards Collaborative Photorealistic VR MeetingRooms

    In: Mensch und Computer 2019 - Tagungsband. Mensch und Computer (MuC-2019), September 8-11, Hamburg, Germany, Pages 599-603, ISBN 978-1-4503-7198-8, …

  2. Shivesh Kumar; Julius Martensen; Andreas Mueller; Frank Kirchner

    Model Simplification For Dynamic Control of Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots - A Representative Study on the Effects of Neglected Dynamics

    In: Proceedings in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …

  3. Shivesh Kumar; Andreas Mueller

    An Analytical and Modular Software Workbench for Solving Kinematics and Dynamics of Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots

    In: 43rd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in …

  4. Mazyar Seraj; Eva-Sophie Katterfeldt; Kerstin Bub; Serge Autexier; Rolf Drechsler

    Scratch and Google Blockly: How Girls' Programming Skills and Attitudes are Influenced

    In: Proceedings of the 19th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research. International Conference on Computing Education …

  5. Marco Barenkamp; Oliver Thomas; Novica Zarvic

    „Agile“ – Nur ein Buzzword?

    In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, Vol. 11, No. 4, Pages 224-237, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, 8/2019.

  6. Mihaela Vela; Santanu Pal; Marcos Zampieri; Sudip Kumar Naskar; Josef van Genabith

    Improving CAT Tools in the Translation Workflow: New Approaches and Evaluation

    In: Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks. Machine Translation Summit (MT Summit-2019), Machine …

  7. Conversation is Multimodal - Thus Conversational User Interfaces should be as well

    In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces …

  8. Jaime Pitarcha; Hendrik J. van der Woerd; Robert J.W. Brewin; Oliver Zielinski

    Optical properties of Forel-Ule water types deduced from 15 years of global satellite ocean color observations

    In: Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 231, Pages 1-16, Elsevier Inc. Amsterdam, 6/2019.

  9. Tanja Schneeberger; Mirella Hladký; Bernhard Hilpert; Markus Langer; Patrick Gebhard

    Can Social Agents elicit Shame as Humans do?

    In: 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII). Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction …

  10. Would you Follow my Instructions if I was not Human? Examining Obedience towards Virtual Agents

    In: 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII). Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction …