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Zeige Ergebnisse 101 bis 110 von 500
  1. Maaike H. T. de Boer; Quirine S. Smit; Michael van Bekkum; André Meyer-Vitali; Thomas Schmid

    Modular Design Patterns for Generative Neuro-Symbolic Systems

    In: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Bruno Sartini; LISN Joe Raad; EURECOM Pasquale Lisena; King’s College London Albert Meroño Peñuela; …

  2. Chao Qian; Andreas Erbslöh; Patrique Fiedler; Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Gregor Schiele

    Concept for an EEG-based Gaming-Controller with Embedded Machine Learning Support

    In: BMT 2024 - 58th Annual Conference of the German Society. Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (BMT-2024), September …

  3. Prediction-Based Tip Over Prevention for Planetary Exploration Rovers

    In: 14th EASN International Conference. EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons (EASN-2024), …

  4. Chronicles of Jockeying in Queuing Systems

    In: ArXiv e-prints (arxiv), Vol. xxxx, Pages 1-35, ArXiv, 2/2024.

  5. Daniel Lindenschmitt; Benedikt Veith; Khursid Alam; Ainur Daurembekova; Michael Gundall; Mohammad Asif Habibi; Bin Han; Dennis Krummacker; Philipp Rosemann; Hans Dieter Schotten

    Architectural Challenges of Nomadic Networks in 6G

    In: 2024 IEEE Globecom Workshops. IEEE Global Communications Conference Workshops (Globeccom Wkshps-2024), located at IEEE GLOBECOM 2024, December …

  6. Julius Raphael Stegmann; Michael Gundall; Hans Dieter Schotten

    Smart PRACH Jamming: A Serious Threat for 5G Campus Networks

    In: 2024 IEEE Globecom Workshops. IEEE Global Communications Conference Workshops (Globeccom Wkshps-2024), located at IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, December …

  7. OpenWiFiSync: Open Source Implementation of a Clock Synchronization Algorithm using Wi-Fi

    In: IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies …

  8. Towards Non-Distracting Smartphone Interaction While Biking Using Capacitive Sensing as Input Device

    In: Companion of the 2024 on ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …

  9. Head'n Shoulder: Gesture-Driven Biking Through Capacitive Sensing Garments to Innovate Hands-Free Interaction

    In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services …

  10. Robotic Teleoperation: A Real-World Test Environment for 6G Communications

    In: 28. ITG-Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation (MKT-2024), May 15-16, Osnabrück, Germany, Pages 106-111, ISBN …