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Project | CoRob-X_OG14

Cooperative Robots for Extreme Environments

Cooperative Robots for Extreme Environments

Application fields

  • Other


The project CoRob-X develops and demonstrates enabling technologies for multi-agent robotic teams. The primary target application is the exploration of planetary surfaces, with a focus on hard-to-reach areas, such as lunar lava tubes. CoRob-X builds on robotic hardware provided by the project consortium and the software building blocks developed within the framework of the SRC Space Robotics Technologies. These building blocks are reused and significantly enhanced to support a multi-agent exploration team of robots.


GMV Aerospace and Defence SA (SP) Space Applications Services NV (BE) Universite de Versailles Saintquentin- en-Yvelines (FR) Magellium SAS (FR) Airbus Defence and Space GmbH (DE) Sintef AS (NO) Fundaction Santa Barbara (SP)

Contact Person

Tom Becker, B.A.


All publications
  1. Field Testing of Cooperative Multi-Robot Technology for Accessing and Exploring a Planetary Lava Tube

    Raúl Domínguez; Thomas Vögele; Jorge Ocón; Thierry Germa; Shashank Govindaraj; Fredrik Bakkevig Haugli; Eric Törn; Valerie Ciarletti; Carlos Jesús Perez; Alexander Dettmann; Anne-Claire Berthen; Loic Lecabec; Pierpaolo Serio; Fabio Polisano; Frank Kirchner

    In: 4th International Planetary Caves Conference. LPI Contributions (IPCC-2023), May 4-7, Haría Municipality in Lanzarote, Spain, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 2023.

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

GA 101004130

EU - European Union