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  1. The Dynamic Anchoring Agent: A Probabilistic Object Anchoring Framework for Semantic World Modeling

    In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. International FLAIRS Conference …

  2. Anke Dittmer; Tobias Stolzmann; Friedemann Kammler; Martin Günther; Oliver Ferdinand; Oliver Thomas; Joachim Hertzberg; Oliver Zielinski

    Der Dynamic Anchoring Agent: Wissensrepräsentation und Reasoning zur automatischen Wiedererkennung von individuellen Objekten

    In: Sara D'Onofrio; Stefan Meinhardt (Hrsg.). Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Chapter 16, Pages 343-360, Edition HMD, ISBN 978-3-658-39621-3, …

  3. A Physics-Based Simulated Robotics Testbed for Planning and Acting Research

    In: Proceedings of the PlanRob Workshop of the 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. Workshop on Planning and Robotics …

  4. Comprehensive Perception in Marine Environments for Dynamic Anchoring

    In: Proceedings of OCEANS 2023. OCEANS MTS/IEEE Conference (OCEANS-2023), June 5-8, Limerick, Ireland, ISBN 979-8-3503-3226-1, IEEE, 2023.

  5. Martin Günther; Friedemann Kammler; Oliver Ferdinand; Joachim Hertzberg; Oliver Thomas; Oliver Zielinski

    Automatische Wiedererkennung von individuellen Objekten mit dem Dynamic Anchoring Agent

    In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (HMD), Springer, 10/2020.

  6. Till Grenzdörffer; Martin Günther; Joachim Hertzberg

    YCB-M: A Multi-Camera RGB-D Dataset for Object Recognition and 6DoF Pose Estimation

    In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2020), Paris, IEEE Press, 2020.

  7. Martin Günther; Jose-Raul Ruiz-Sarmiento; Cipriano Galindo; Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez; Joachim Hertzberg

    Context-aware 3D object anchoring for mobile robots

    In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), Vol. 110, Pages 12-32, Elsevier, 12/2018.

  8. Jose de Gea Fernandez; Dennis Mronga; Martin Günther; Sebastian Stock; Nils Niemann; Hendrik Wiese; Rohit Menon; Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Stefan Stiene

    Towards Contextual Robots for Collaborative Manufacturing

    In: Valerio Ortenzi; Marco Controzzi (Hrsg.). Poster at the Workshop "Human-Robot Cooperation and Collaboration in Manipulation: Advancements and …

  9. José de Gea Fernández; Nils Niemann; Sebastian Stock; Martin Günther; Dennis Mronga; Hendrik Wiese; Rohit Menon; Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Stefan Stiene

    Hybr-iT Project: Initial Steps Towards Contextual Robotic Manipulation for Human-Robot Teams in Industrial Environments

    Poster at the 21st International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2018), 2018.

  10. José de Gea Fernández; Dennis Mronga; Martin Günther; Tobias Knobloch; Malte Wirkus; Martin Schröer; Mathias Trampler; Stefan Stiene; Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Vinzenz Bargsten; Timo Bänziger; Johannes Teiwes; Thomas Krüger; Frank Kirchner

    Multimodal Sensor-Based Whole-Body Control for Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Settings

    In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), Vol. 94, Pages 102-119, Elsevier, 8/2017.