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Zeige Ergebnisse 1451 bis 1460 von 13166
  1. DT2I: Dense Text-to-Image Generation from Region Descriptions

    In: The 31st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-2022), Springer, …

  2. Sönke Knoch; Daniel Porta; Markus Baumann; Stefan Lehnhoff; Joachim Schwab

    Der digitale Zwilling in der Sicherheitstechnik

    In: Factory Innovation (FI), Vol. 3, No. 2, Pages 40-45, GITO, Berlin, 2022.

  3. Joscha Grüger; Tobias Geyer; Martin Kuhn; Stephan Alexander Braun; Ralph Bergmann

    Verifying Guideline Compliance in Clinical Treatment Using Multi-perspective Conformance Checking: A Case Study

    In: Jorge Munoz-Gama; Xixi Lu (Hrsg.). Process Mining Workshops. ICPM 2021. International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM-2021), Vol. 433, …

  4. Joscha Grüger; Tobias Geyer; Ralph Bergmann; Stephan Alexander Braun

    CGK4PM: Towards a Methodology for the Systematic Generation of Clinical Guideline Process Models and the Utilization of Conformance Checking

    In: José Manuel Ferreira Machado (Hrsg.). BioMedInformatics, Vol. 2, Pages 359-374, MDPI, 2022.

  5. Investigating Attention Mechanism for Page Object Detection in Document Images

    In: Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 15, Pages 3390-3408, MDPI, Switzerland, 7/2022.

  6. Towards Inertial Human Motion Tracking with Drift-Free Absolute Orientations using only Sparse Sources of Heading Information

    In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Fusion in Linköping. International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION-2022), …

  7. A survey on improving NLP models with human explanations

    In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Learning with Natural Language Supervision. Workshop on Learning with Natural Language Supervision, located …

  8. Christoph Manss; Isabel Kuehner; Dmitriy Shutin

    Experimental Validation of Entropy-Driven Swarm Exploration under Sparsity Constraints with Sparse Bayesian Learning

    In: Applied Sciences, Vol. 580, No. 24, Pages 1-21, MDPI Journals, Basel, 4/2022.

  9. Recent Advances in AI for Navigation and Control of Underwater Robots

    In: Springer (Hrsg.). Current Robotics Reports, Vol. n.n. Pages n.n.-n.n. Springer, 7/2022.

  10. Putting Humans in the Image Captioning Loop

    Bridging Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing (NAACL 2022), 7/2022.