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  1. ARTER: a walking excavator robot

    In: Shivesh Kumar; Andreas Mueller; Frank Kirchner (Hrsg.). Biologically Inspired Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots. Pages 235-261, Vol. 514, ISBN …

  2. Omar Al-Ahmad; Moloud Ourak; Simon Jeanquart; Nick Deserranno; Felix Bernhard; Yohannes Kassahun; Bingbin Yu; Emanuel Vander Poorten

    Development of an Innovative Sleeve-Based Robotic Catheter Driver

    In: Proceedings of the 8th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery. Joint Workshop on New Technologies for …

  3. Wiebke Brinkmann; Florian Cordes; Thomas M. Roehr; Leif Christensen; Tobias Stark; Roland Sonsalla; Roman Szczuka; Niklas Alexander Mulsow; Felix Bernhard; Daniel Kuehn

    Modular Payload-Items for Payload-assembly and System Enhancement for Future Planetary Missions

    In: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference. IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 3-10, Big Sky, Montana, USA, IEEE, 3/2018.

  4. Emmanuel Vander Poorten; Abraham Temesgen Tibebu; Bingbin Yu; Christian Rauch; Felix Bernhard; Jan Hendrik Metzen; Yohannes Kassahun; P. Tran; A. Devreker; C. Gruijthuijsen; S. Portoles-Diez; G. Smoljkic; V. Strbac; N. Famaey; D. Reynaerts; J. Vander Sloten; B. Yu; J. H. Metzen; S. Giannarou; L. Zhao; S. Lee; G. Yang; E. Mazomenos; P. Chang; D. Stoyanov; M. Kvasnytsia; J. Van Deun; E. Verhoelst; A. Di Iasio M. Sette; G. Leo; F. Hertner; D. Scherly; L. Chelini; N. Häni; D. Seatovic; B. Rosa; H. De Praetere; P. Herijgers

    Cognitive AutonomouS CAtheters operating in Dynamic Environments

    In: Journal of Medical Robotics Research (JMRR), Vol. 1, No. 3, 9/2016.

  5. Thomas Koch; Sankaranarayanan Natarajan; Felix Bernhard; Alberto Ortiz; Francisco Bonnin-Pascual; Emilio Garcia-Fidalgo; Joan Jose Company Corcoles

    Advances in Automated Ship Structure Inspection

    In: Proceeding of 15th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries. International …

  6. A short Introduction of the CASCADE Catheter Driver and the INCASS MagnetCrawler II

    Bericht, DFKI GmbH, Universität Bremen, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 15-02, 6/2015.

  7. Bingbin Yu; Abraham Temesgen Tibebu; Yohannes Kassahun; Felix Bernhard; Emmanuel Vander Poorten

    Towards learning-based catheter distal section steering

    In: 4th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery. Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery …

  8. Mohammed Ahmed; Markus Eich; Felix Bernhard

    Design and Control of MIRA: a Lightweight Climbing Robot for Ship Inspection

    In: World Symposium on Mechatronics Engineering & Applied Physics (WSMEAP2014). International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering (ICME-2014), June …

  9. Distributed Computation in a Quadrupedal Robotic System

    In: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 11, Pages 1-15, InTechOpen, 2014.

  10. Daniel Kuehn; Frank Beinersdorf; Marc Simnofske; Felix Bernhard; Frank Kirchner

    Towards an Active Spine for Mobile Robots

    In: 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics. International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM-2013), October 2-4, …