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Zeige Ergebnisse 1321 bis 1330 von 13166
  1. Jörg Becker; Alessandro Benke; Peter Fettke; Oliver Gutermuth; Sebastian Halsbenning; Constantin Houy; Benedikt Hoffmeister; Robert Müller; Hendrik Scholta

    Machbarkeitsstudie zu den IT-technischen Anforderungen einer weitergehenden Digitalisierung im Bereich Soziale Sicherheit

    Forschungsbericht, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Forschungsberichte des BMAS, Vol. FB600, 2022.

  2. Weiyan Zhang; Mehran Goli; Alireza Mahzoon; Rolf Drechsler

    ANN-based Performance Estimation of Embedded Software for RISC-V Processors

    In: 33rd International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP). International Symposium on Rapid System Protoyping (RSP-2022), October 13-14, …

  3. Under-Ice Field tests with an AUV in Abisko/Torneträsk

    In: OCEANS 2022 - Hampton Roads. OCEANS MTS/IEEE Conference (OCEANS-2022), October 17-20, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA, IEEE, 2022.

  4. Henrik Kortum-Landwehr; Tobias Kohl; Dominik Hubertus; Oliver Hinz; Oliver Thomas

    A Platform Framework for the Adoption and Operation of ML-based Smart Services in the Data Ecosystem of Smart Living

    In: Daniel Demmler; Daniel Krupka; Hannes Federrath (Hrsg.). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings. GI-Informatiktage (Informatik-2022), …

  5. Henrik Kortum-Landwehr; Simon Hagen; Janis Hühn; Oliver Thomas

    Analyzing Smart Services from a (Data-) Ecosystem Perspective: Utilizing Network Theory for a graph-based Software Tool in the Domain Smart Living

    In: Daniel Demmler; Daniel Krupka; Hannes Federrath (Hrsg.). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings. GI-Informatiktage (Informatik-2022), …

  6. Henrik Kortum-Landwehr; Jonas Rebstadt; Tula Böschen; Pascal Meier; Oliver Thomas

    Towards the Operationalization of Trustworthy AI: Integrating the EU Assessment List into a Procedure Model for the Development and Operation of AI-Systems

    In: Daniel Demmler; Daniel Krupka; Hannes Federrath (Hrsg.). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings. GI-Informatiktage (Informatik-2022), …

  7. The Challenge of Autonomy: What We Can Learn from Research on Robots Designed for Harsh Environments

    In: Uwe Engel (Hrsg.). Robots in Care and Everyday Life. Chapter 4, Pages 57-80, Springer, 10/2022.

  8. Muhammad Hassan; Thilo Vörtler; Karsten Einwich; Rolf Drechsler; Daniel Große

    A Cross-domain Heterogeneous ABV-Library for Mixed-signal Virtual Prototypes in SystemC/AMS

    In: Design and Verification Conference in Europe (DVCon Europe). Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe-2022), December 6-7, 2022.

  9. Mehmed Yüksel; Thomas M. Röhr

    Ontology-Driven Robot Design for Future Orbital and Planetary Robotics with korcut

    European Aeronautics Science Network International Conference (EASN), 10/2022.

  10. Roland Sonsalla; Henning Wiedemann; Wiebke Brinkmann; Priyanka Chowdhury; Malte Langosz; Marko Jankovic; Christopher Schulz; Tobias Stark; Niklas Alexander Mulsow; Daniel Pizzutilo; Leonard Maisch; Patrick Schöberl

    Toolbox Design to Demonstrate Application-Specific Configurable Space Robots Using Modular Components

    In: 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022. International Astronautical Congress (IAC-2022), September 18-22, Paris, France, International …